Confidential Drayage Complaint Line
The Confidential Drayage Complaint Line (ConfidenceLine) provides a mechanism for anyone wanting to report payment issues, truck licencing system requirement concerns or incidents of intimidation or harassment related to container drayage activity. This service is available in English and Punjabi, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Toll-free number: 1-877-713-5109
The program includes a mechanism to upload any documentation or evidence while submitting your report via the ConfidenceLine website for ease. You may also forward documentation to ConfidenceLine Administration who will manage the upload for you. You may do so in a confidential manner as follows:
Documents, memos, pictures, emails, or any other supporting material can be forwarded:
By Fax: 1-800-515-1706
By Mail: #202 – 8333 Eastlake Drive, Burnaby, BC V5A 4W2
By Email:
Please ensure your documents are marked “Confidential” and include your User Name that is provided by this program on the documentation. We will be unable to upload your documents to the file unless your User Name is included. ConfidenceLine will remove any identifiers that may jeopardize your anonymity prior to uploading your submitted materials for the company designate to review.