OBCCTC Decision #06/2017:
The Regulation and in particular Section 13 is to be interpreted and applied as follows:
The application of Section 13 hourly rates is not limited to just the time a company driver spends actually transporting a container by a truck. Rather, “container trucking services” for purposes of Section 13 also includes services directly relating to, or ancillary to, the transportation of a container by a truck, such as:
- Pre and Post trip inspections
- The relocation or movement of empty chassis which have been used or will be used to move a container as defined in the Regulation (a “container”) ;
- “Bob Tail” moves to or from marine terminals or container facilities in the lower mainland;
- The movement of containers by truck within a yard or facility.
Section 13 requires licensees to pay company drivers the regulated rates for all such “container trucking services”.