Business Costs

Can I hold back money from a driver to pay for a damaged chassis?

OBCCTC Decision #14/2016: The holding back of remuneration to cover the cost of repairing a chassis is analogous to holding back monies to cover potential, future insurance claim costs.  Accordingly, the cost of chassis repair is a Business Cost and therefore licence cannot be deducted.

Can I hold back money from a driver to pay for a damaged chassis?2016-11-29T21:12:42-08:00

What is a business cost?

Business Costs are defined in the Licence under Definitions: includes but is not limited to:  chassis rental, wear and tear on tires, cargo insurance, Smart Phone costs, bridge or road tolls, loading fees, Access Agreement charges, fees related to the Terminal Gate Compliance Initiative, GPS-related expenses, (unless the Sponsored Independent Operator has unreasonably failed to [...]

What is a business cost?2016-11-29T21:12:42-08:00

Can I hold back insurance claim costs from drivers?

OBCCTC May 26, 2016 Bulletin: Insurance claim costs are Business Costs under the Licence.  Therefore, the holding back of remuneration to cover potential, future insurance claim costs after an Owner Operator has left the company is prohibited.

Can I hold back insurance claim costs from drivers?2016-11-29T21:12:42-08:00
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